

Writer | Women's Coach & Mentor

I partner with individuals and organizations to create transformation. What that looks like varies; results are outstanding, case-specific and always unique. That said, each person and organization can expect progress that results in sustainable, powerful shifts in mindset and behaviors. As a certified professional coach and life strategist, I guide you through the process of transforming your biology, your psychology and your environment. Together, we identify patterns that don’t work and replace them with habits, tools and practices that do. As a marketer, I am motivated by co-creating extraordinary things. Inspired by the challenges in our ever-changing global landscape, I use my skills and experience to bring stories to life, connect and engage with interesting individuals from multiple nationalities and all walks of life who share my personal mission to turn everything we touch into something of higher value - for our customers, our companies and ourselves. My diverse background has helped me become a very flexible professional. I am a big proponent of work-life integration; and living in 4 continents for the past 10 years and being fluent in 4 languages has allowed me to engage intensively with a range of business areas, discover multiple cultures and build a strong international network. I have had the opportunity to test my boundaries, explore my strengths and develop a unique set of skills. My other passions, Natural Movement, Ancestral Health, Biohacking and Yoga have taught me things that I bring to work every day: curiosity, adaptability, discipline, a beginner's mind and JOY!